Distance vector and link state Routing Protocol

Two major classes of routing protocol ေတြကေတာ႔ distance vector and link-state ပဲျဖစ္ပါတယ္။Distance Vector" and "Link State" ေတြကို networks ေတြႀကားမွာroutersေတြက packets ေတြကို  forwardလုပ္တဲ႔ေနရာမွာသံုးတဲ႔  routing protocols ေတြကို describe လုပ္ဖို႔သံုးတယ္။ အခ်ိဳ႔ routing protocol ေတြရဲ႔ ရည္ရြယ္ခ်က္က a destinationေရာက္ဖို႔႔၊ all network paths ေတြမွ a destination networkကိုေရာက္ဖို႔ the best path ကိုေရြးဖို႔ သံုးတဲ႔ all network paths ေတြအားလံုးရဲ႕ informationေတြကို dynamically communicate လုပ္ဖို ႔ျဖစ္တယ္။ The terms distance vector and link state  ေတြကို   a distance metric (the distance) and an interface (the vector)ေပၚမွာအေျခခံျပီးthe best routing pathေတြေရြးတဲ႔the routing protocolေပၚမွာမွ ထက္ျပီး အေျခခံတဲ႔two broad categories ထဲမွာrouting protocols ေတြကို group လုပ္ဖို႔ ၊ the state of each link in a pathကို calculating လုပ္ျခင္းျဖင္႔႔ ႏွင္႔ the destinationကိုေရာက္ဖို႔  the lowest total metricျဖစ္တဲ႔ the pathကို ရွာျခင္းျဖင္the best routing pathကို ေရြးဖိုသံုးႀကတယ္။

DISTANCE VECTORDistance: Distance ဆိုတာက the pathကျဖတ္လာတဲ႔ the number of hosts ေပၚမွာအေျခခံထားတဲ႔ the cost of reaching a destination(သို႔) links in the pathေတြသို႔ assignedလုပ္ထားတဲ႔ the total of all the administrative metrics ျဖစ္တယ္။Vector:The standpoint of routing protocolsမွ the vectorဆိုတာက the best path to the destination networkကိုthe routing protocolကေရြးထားတဲ႔ a route or path တေလွ်ာက္လံုးan given destination networkကိုေရာက္ဖို႔forwarded outလုပ္ေပးရတဲ႔the interface traffic ကိုေျပာတာျဖစ္တယ္။Distance vector protocols က destination networkသို႔ေရာက္ဖို႔the best pathကိုေရြးဖို႔ an outgoing network interface မွ a distance calculationကိုသံုးတယ္၊The network protocol (IPX, SPX, IP, Appletalk, DECnet etc.)selected လုပ္ထားတဲ႔ the best pathsကိုသံုးထားတဲ႔data ေတြကိုforwardလုပ္တယ္။Common distance vector routing protocols include: 1)Appletalk RTMP 2)IPX RIP 3)IP RIP 4)IGRP

Link State protocols ကthe status and connection type of each linkကို  trackလုပ္တယ္၊ the status and connection type of each link နဲ႔ other factors ေပၚမွာအေျခခံထားတဲ႔ a calculated metric ေတြ produces လုပ္ေပးတယ္။Link state protocolsက  a link က up or downျဖစ္ေနလား၊ a cost ကဘယ္ေလာက္လဲ destination ကိုေရာက္ဖို႔ ဘယ္ေလာက္ျမန္နိုင္လဲ ဆိုတာသိတယ္။Link State protocols ကmore hopsျဖစ္တဲ႔ a pathကိုယူတယ္ဒါေပမယ္႔ အဲ႔တာက a faster medium over a path using a slower medium with fewer hops ကိုသံုးတယ္၊၊
Their awareness of media types and other factors ေႀကာင္႔link state protocols က processing power (more circuit logic in the case of ASICs) and memoryကိုပိုျပီးလုိအပ္ပါတယ္။Distance vector algorithms ကေတာ႔simpler hardware ေလာက္ပဲလိုပါတယ္။

A Comparison: Link State vs. Distance Vector
ပံုကိုႀကည္႔ပါ၊all routersက a Distance Vector protocolနဲ႔ runningေနရင္ေရြးထားတဲ႔ the path or 'route' က the ISDN serial linkေပၚကေနA ကေန B ကို directly သြားတယ္၊အဲ႔တာေႀကာင္႔Distance Vector protocol ကပိုေကာင္းတယ္။


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